ARR team awarded Engineers Australia President's Prize
Australian Rainfall and Runoff editors and technical committee were recently awarded with the prestigious Engineers Australia President's Prize at the National Congress and National Awards dinner. WMAwater's Mark Babister led the Technical Committee and Mark and Monique Retallick were part of the editorial team.
The Presidents Prize was inaugurated in 1990 by Past President BC Tonkin. Its concept was to provide recognition to members of EA who have made a major contribution in promulgating the contribution that the engineering profession makes to the general welfare of the Australian people. However, in 2004 the award’s purpose was amended to become a highly flexible award that can highlight contributions that may not find recognition in other of EA’s awards. In recent years it was awarded to individuals or groups who provided conspicuous service to either the profession or community in such a way that a significant contribution was made to the realisation of EA’s strategic goals. The award is entirely at the discretion of the National president.