Flood and Inflow Forecasting Systems
Water and infrastructure managers need to manage risks to communities and infrastructure such as dams during flood events. A flood forecasting system gives operators advanced warning of flood events. During an event, it provides operators with richer, “live” information on observed and forecast rainfalls over a catchment, flows, river levels, inundation, and storage inflows and levels. This gives water and infrastructure managers additional confidence in management of risks leading up to and during a flood event, and allows development of associated “trigger values” for emergency plan alerts and actions. Our team has developed flood forecasting systems for major water managers in Australia and internationally for applications including hydropower systems, urban centers and rural water storages. We use our expertise in all aspects of flood forecasting systems including hydrometric network design, hydrology and hydraulic modelling, data management, visualisation of data and results and system integration to provide forecasting systems that are tailored to our clients’ situations, and deliver the information needed in easily interpreted formats.