Hydrology Expert, Tasmanian Government Flood Review
Review and expert advice on hydrology, flood modelling, flood mitigation, flood forecasting and debris management following the June 2016 Tasmanian Floods.
The flood event of June 2016 had a devastating impact across the Tasmanian community. As a result of this event, the Tasmanian Government commissioned a formal, independent review of all aspects of the flood event. WMAwater was appointed to provide expert hydrologic advice to the Flood Review Team.
We investigated and reported to the Flood Review Team on specific issues identified as requiring hydrologic expertise including:
- The possibility of using the Hydro dam network for flood mitigation tool, and the scale of works that would be required either to adapt it as such or construct dams suitable for flood mitigation in the state.
- River and rainfall gauging network in the state and the efficacy of the network for flood warning and information.
- The value of an additional radar in the north-east for improving flood warning
- The adequacy of flood mapping in the state, including identification of gaps and a comparative assessment with other jurisdictions.
- The adequacy of bridge design in the state from a flooding perspective.
- A review of flood warnings during the event and any potential for improvements in terms of method, timing, interpretation and community understanding.
- In the context of the Tasmanian catchments focusing on vulnerable communities and state infrastructure, the usefulness of levees as a flood mitigation measure.
- The origin of and responsibility for removal of debris in flooded rivers and proposed mitigation measures
Our work included interviews with relevant agencies, research and investigation into the issues identified and production of a comprehensive report detailing findings on each of the issues.
The findings in our report were used by the flood review team in their final recommendations to government, focusing on improving flood preparedness, management and response in Tasmania.