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Kempsey Shire Council has engaged WMAwater to investigate the flood behaviour in the Upper Macleay River catchment, defining areas of flood risk.
The Wingecarribee Floody Study is underway

WMAwater is proud to be collaborating with the University of Newcastle to deliver WATHNET5 training. WATHNET5 is an advanced software platform that integrates simulation of water resources systems and decision support informed by multi-objective optimization. A two-day workshop will introduce the theory underpinning WATHNET5 and develop hands-on skills enabling access to its more advanced features. The training lead by George Kuczera will be held on 18 and 19 March in Sydney. Book NOW places are limited!


Australian Rainfall and Runoff editors and technical committee were recently awarded with the prestigious Engineers Australia President's Prize at the National Congress and National Awards dinner. WMAwater's Mark Babister led the Technical Committee and Mark and Monique Retallick were part of the editorial team.

The WMAwater team presented four papers and sponsored the coffee cart at the 2018 HWRS in Melbourne.
Fiona Ling and Kim Robinson presented a paper on flood forecasting for dam safety management at 2018 ANCOLD conference.