Brisbane office expansion
WMAwater’s Brisbane office has moved location and has doubled in size in the last 2 months due to increased demand of our technical capabilities. Our new address is Level 10, 87 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill. Our new team members are Thomas Allingham and Benjamin Scanlan.
Thomas Allingham is an engineer with over 4 years’ experience in hydrologic and hydraulic modelling for urban and large scale regional flood studies, and drainage design for urban and rural developments. Additionally, Thomas has undertaken dam failure hydraulic modelling and dam consequence assessments and participated on road infrastructure projects with a focus on hydraulic modelling and scour depth estimates for bridge structures. His key involvement includes the application of TUFLOW, PCDrain, HEC-RAS, XPRAFTS and XPSWMM hydrologic and hydraulic modelling packages.
Ben Scanlan is a recent Civil Engineering Graduate from Griffith University. Ben undertook his final University semester with Brisbane City Council (BCC) in Flood Policy and Planning, where he completed a thesis investigating residential flood proofing measures. Ben continued with BCC on a 6 month contract where he was exposed to flood related projects within the policy and planning space, including the Brisbane River Flood Study and implementation of the online Flood Awareness Maps and FloodWise Property Reports. Ben has a keen interest in hydraulics and hydrology, and while at WMAwater has worked on hydraulic and hydrologic modelling for urban and industrial development projects.