Conference Highlights
We are continuing to provide technical leadership in the water space, with our people presenting papers and at workshops at both national and international conferences, and also publishing journal articles. We look forward to utilising these latest advances in research to develop practical solutions for our clients. We presented 25 papers at the Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium (HWRS) and associated ARR workshop in Hobart, 4 papers at the Flood Management Association (FMA) conference in Nowra, and 3 papers at the River Flow conference in St Louis. Our people have not just attended technical workshops but have lead or presented at workshops for ANCOLD in Adelaide, HWRS at Hobart, Water Sensitive Urban Design conference in Sydney, FMA in Nowra and given a Keynote address at the Stormwater conference at the Gold Coast. We also published a journal paper in the Australian Journal of Water Resources on our work on the Warragamba Dam and the Haweksbury-Nepean flood assessment.
By presenting our work and attending conferences, we make sure that we keep up with new developments in the industry and incorporate the best current practice into our projects.
Congratulations to our student engineer Mikayla Ward for winning best overall poster at HWRS/NZHS in Queenstown.